This Guild is for new characters to become more powerful and gain new allies.

We keep track of all ranks and only Masters can decide if another member is worthy of moving up to a higher rank. Ranks are based on how long the member has been in the guild and by what they provide for the guild. If members donate money to the guild it will help us afford a castle or keep wich is our goal and we will most likely increase your rank and you will have more access to our buildings. WE WILL BE THE MOST POWERFUL GUILD!

All members will be provided with full bone armor and a cape untill they have enough money to buy new equipment but the skull mask and the cape must remain on all the time or that member may be removed or rank demotion may occur. BFG tag will be added to your name. Players with the Master or Commander rank will recieve a cool title for example Joe Blow The Sucker. It wont be as bad as that i cant come up with anything right now. The player will be able to make up their own title.

If a member has changed ranks please notify Belial at the email adress provided or send a message through ICQ.

The Bone Face Guild Members and ranks

Color of name is the rank of member, refer to cover page




Belial The Master Of All Masters

[email protected]/[email protected]


Meran The Warmaster

Celeste The Maiden Of Doom




The Scroll of Adventures


Remember to wipe and dont play with fire!